What I Know Is Possible

Group Exhibition at Bernie Grant Arts Centre, Curated by Ronan Mckenzie, 2024

A group exhibition curated by multidisciplinary artist Ronan Mckenzie. 

What I Know Is Possible presents a dreamscape for the future, bringing together a collection of immersive and interactive artefacts from an imagined world through the perspectives of six contemporary artists. Through a series of both existing artworks and newly commissioned site-specific installations, What I Know Is Possible is a multi-sensory exhibition that forms the second part of Ronan Mckenzie’s guest curatorship at Bernie Grant Arts Centre.Exploring the boundless nature of dreaming, McKenzie introduced the multidisciplinary artist Shanti Bell to the space, which we encounter even before entering the gallery. A pink textile sculpture juts into the air above, which explores the idea of trying things out and manifesting them in reality. “This sculpture has a wooden frame as its backdrop, but it reaches beyond the frame, expanding outwards as a way of release and freedom,” she explains. “Having the ability to walk under and around the sculpture gives you this sense if freedom to experience how it morphs and curves within the gallery space.”
The two works titled, ‘Freedom of Thought and The Fearlessness to Try’ express that emotion of possibility, that moment when things are open and new and you are both slightly scared and excited. Often our minds can limit us from allowing a new idea to come to fruition and stepping into the unknown is scary. The window installation speaks of this narrative, the sculptures are all compressed within this window frame, expanding to the furthest corners in a way of trying to break free, much like when you have an idea and you are excited by the possibility of what it can be and have the freedom to think without any boundaries.
The large sculpture in the main gallery explores the action of trying this idea, giving it a place to exist in reality. Often simply trying an idea is the hardest part and requires bravery. Being fearless doesn't come easy but it's important to be to experience the new and unknown. This sculpture has a wooden frame as its backdrop but it reaches beyond the frame expanding outwards as a way of release and freedom.


Mabintou Badijie 
Shanti Bell
Hazel Gardiner
Sergio Pontier
Ronan Mckenzie